Northwest Tennessee Cardiology Clinic was established and founded by Dr. James C. Hall as a professional corporation in 1996. At the time, no invasive cardiology was being practiced in the area. After establishing the viability of those services at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Union City utilizing a mobile catheterization laboratory, a new fixed catheterization laboratory opened in 1998. These services are now also available at Volunteer Community Hospital in Martin, TN where Dr. Hall also has privileges.
Northwest Tennessee Cardiology Clinic has grown to include a service area encompassing northwest Tennessee and southwest Kentucky. A new clinic facility was built and opened in 2008 where it is presently located.
About Dr. Hall
Dr. James C. Hall was born in Washington, D.C., the son of Dr. Emmett R. Hall, Jr., a cardiovascular surgeon. For the most part, Dr. Hall grew up and was raised in Memphis, Tennessee. He received his undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Memphis in 1978 with a major of physics and a year later, received his Master of Science degree in Natural Science with a focus on biophysics.
In 1981, Dr. Hall matriculated to the University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences in Memphis, Tennessee. In 1985, he received his Doctor of Medicine degree. After a transitional internship year at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, during which time he married, Dr. Hall landed back in Memphis for Internal Medicine residency at Baptist Memorial Hospital. During this time, he met Dr. James Porterfield and assisted in some of the original basic research in anti-ventricular tachycardia pacemaker devices. This technology is now incorporated routinely in all pacemaker/defibrillator devices.
Dr. Hall decided at this time to specialize in Cardiology and was admitted to Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana for Cardiology Fellowship. Board certification in Internal Medicine occurred at this time. After completion of this training, he was Board Certified in Cardiovascular Disease and elected Fellow to the American College of Cardiology.
Dr. Hall and his wife, June, have three children - Patrick, James Jr., and Caitlin. They moved to Union City, Tennessee in 1993 and planted their flag. Dr. Hall has many extracurricular interests. He enjoys hunting and fishing, astronomy, is a private pilot, and an avid amateur radio enthusiast.